Brass Wire used for making bruss and woven wire mesh
(1)80-20 Low Brass CDA 240
CDA 240 has excellent strength, ductility, and corrosion resistance. Often used for musical instruments, battery caps, flexible hose, and decorative pieces.
Low Brass Fact Sheet
Composition: [Cu 80%, Zn 20%]
Specifications: ASTM B36
Density: .313 lbs/in³
Tensile Strength: 57 Kpsi*
Elongation: 36%*
Melt: 1830° F
(2)70-30 Cartridge Brass CDA 260
CDA 260 is the most ductile brass displaying superior results when cold worked and has excellent corrosion resistance.It is the most widely used alloy for cold headed products. It has a full-brass yellow color and is often used for fasteners, hinges, radiator cores and tanks, plumbing accessories and aircraft materials.
Cartridge Brass Fact Sheet
Composition: [Cu 70%, Zn 30%]
Specifications: ASTM B134
Density: 308 lbs/in³
Tensile Strength: 58 Kpsi*
Elongation: 38%*
Melt : 1750° F
- 65-35 Yellow Brass CDA 270
CDA 270 has excellent good corrosion resistance and strength. It has a similar ductility to CDA 260 and is often used for cold-headed parts.
Yellow Brass Fact Sheet
Composition: [Cu 65%, Zn 35%]
Specifications: ASTM B134
Density: .306 lbs/in³
Tensile Strength: 60 Kpsi*
Elongation: 39%*
Melt: 1710° F

finished wire for brush :
finsihed brass wire for brass wire mesh :